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Whether you are a first-time author or a seasoned published writer, you need another set of eyes to edit your work.  We all do.  I offer proofreading, copy editing, and line editing services in addition to coaching for the first-time author.  Please use the form below to contact me for rates and information.

PROOFREADING: A quick check for minor mistakes in spelling, punctuation, etc.

COPYEDITING:  Correction of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.  Will also check against Chicago Manual of Style to ensure that the manuscript is as close as possible to conforming with publishers' standards.

LINE EDITING:  This process includes everything that you would receive from Proofreading and Copyediting, but also makes changes to help improve the clarity and flow of the text.  Some light fact checking may be performed, along with a consistency check throughout the manuscript.  As part of a Line Editing job, I will make suggestions on how to improve the book in a variety of ways.

COACHING:  I work with less experienced writers and authors to encourage and help them through the editing and self-publishing process.